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removal of the center forward (low compression) engine and replacing with a high compression, and replacing of the three Olmstead propellers (the fourth had been changed at Halifax) with propellers of Bu.S.R.

In attempting a start for the azores the following day (16th). NC-3 failed to get off. NC-4, starting a minute later, took off, staying up 18 minutes, to give all installations a test. Everything worked well. Landed and waited for NC-5's next trial. This time she was successful; NC-4 followed and took the air at 10.05 p.m. G.M.T.

The wind at start was blowing about 30 knots, but it fell somewhat as I and left behind. Ses appeared slightly rough. NO-1 was well behind. Lights of NC-3 did not work and 5 and 4 separated at dark. The functioning of power plant during this entire run was excellent. Each destroyer was sighted in turn up to and including number 16, first by means of the star shall (during the night only). seemed by the searchlights, and third by destroyers' lights. In daylight the moon was always picked up first, except once in a while, during semi-darkness or thick weather, the searchlights would be seen first. Several destroyers were considerably out of position, estimated not more than 13 miles; some appeared exactly on.

Run through light lumps of fog from 8 to 8.15 a.m. 17th, and again at 9.25. Soon afterward ran into thick fog at 1200 feet. Hourly lost control, but straightened out and got above the fog into sunlight at 9.55. 1400 feet. Ran between fog layer and cloud layer, gradually climbing to keep fog,occasionally changing course or reducing altitude again to avoid thick weather. Saw occasional glimpses of water. Appeared thick to port, with a strip of clear sky to starbaord, gradually edging to south avoiding clouds. Occasional light rain. Radio compass indicated not much divergences from courses. Destroyers 20 and 21 reported thick fog near water. 22 reported visibility 10 miles; air above fog very smooth. Altitude averaged 3000 feet.

At 11.27 sighted southern and Flores through rift in fog. Altitude then 3400 feet. Spiralled down and found fog 200 feet above water.Apparently a strong northwest wind has set in during latter part of time above the fog. On the surface the wind was about west, and the force of 20 to 25 knots.

Laid course and picked up destroyer 25, visibility 10-12 miles. Weather then thickened. Missed 24 and decided to make Horta if possible. Sighted northern end of Fayal, air clearer in lee of the island. Rounded Fayel and landed at 1.15 in a bight mistaken for Horta in the thick weather. We took off again at 1.20 rounded the next point and laded near the Columbia off Horta at 1.23.