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From: E.F. Stone, 1st Lieut., U.S.C.G. and W. Hinton, Lieut. (jg) U.S.N.

To: A.C. Read, Lieut. Comd'r, U.S.N.

Subject: Pilot's report, N C - 4.

1. The following report of structural troubles and repairs on NC-4, during transatlantic flight, is submitted:

(a) Broken connecting rod carried away part of forward main nacelle strut.  Repaired with 2" x 3" ash strip bolted and served to damage strut.  Repairs at Chatham Air Station.   (b) Eye bolt in nose for towing broke.  Replaced at Chatham.

(c) Diagonal brace wire, bottom side, forward nacelles broke.  Replaced with 12 turns 16 gauge steel wire, setting taut with Spanish windlass.  Trepassey Bay.

(d) Fabric loosengd from lower horizontal stabiliger ribs due to failure of lacing.  Removed tape strips, secured fabric and replaced tape.  Horta, Azores and Lisbon.

(e) Trailing edge of wings between hull and wing engines partially carried away from after spars by water on getaways.  Cap stripes and rib webs broken.  No repairs made.

(f) Tape and fairing on brace wires and struts, hull to lower wings, partially carried away due to action of water in taking off and to chafing on mooring buoy, covered with friction tape at Ponta Delgada.

(g) Landing flare-holders bent and broken off by mooring buoys and boats.  These flare-holders should be of a type that can be readily Shipped and unshipped.

(h) Tape on entering edge of upper wing came off in flight.  Did not replace.

(i) Water leaked through forward end of radio compartment hatch on getaways.  Hatch cover should be constructed to be water-tight when closed.

2.  The following recommendations are made: -

(a) Towing and mooring ring in nose of boat be made to swivel.  Hole in ring to be 1 3/8" diameter.  Base of mounting to be connected with brace wires to longerons of hull to transmit strains of towing and riding to mooring.

(b) The spacing of lacing of fabric to lower stabilizer be decreased and heavier thread be used, to prevent propeller blast tearing fabric loose.
