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I sent to the Rochester and the Shawmut on the skid-fin antenna as we were landing.

No repairs were necessary at Lisbon.  We left there at 05:29 of May 30, circling back over the harbor and finally clearing the main land at 05:55, at which time I let out the trailing wire.  The Shawmut was busy broadcasting until 06:12, when we sent the following to her:  "For American Minister.  Request you express to all heartfelt appreciation of Commanding Officer and crew of NC-4 for wonderful welcome. (signed) Read".

Although originally it was not planned to have destroyers between Lisbon and cape Finisterre, five were sent out, the Connor, Rathburne, Woolsey, Yarnell and Tarbell, using "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E", respectively, for call letters.

At 06:25 CTV (Monsanto) sent the following broadcast: "Transatlantic seaplane flight now in progress, Ships are requested to restrict use of radio apparatus to avoid interference with seaplanes".  This message did not have much effect, for considerable interference was experienced on this leg from Spanish and Portugese ships, which called each other with "QRU?" signals.

Weather reports from "A", "B" and "C" were secured between 06:35 and 07:00, but with some difficulty.  At 06:48 a message was despatched to the Shawmut asking her to request destroyers to listen on 425 meters.  We passed station "A" at 06:33.

At 07:10 I told "B"  "We may have to land.  Stick close on 425 meters for my buzzer modulated set if I send the word 'landing'".

At 07:12 I sent "We have gas leak on port motor and may land soon".  "B" acknowledged promptly for these messages.

At 07:15 I reeled in my antenna and sent "Landing - landing, sending on emergency antenna".  We landed at 07:21.  I had not looked out of the hatch, consequently did not know we were landing in a river, else I should have added that information.

At 07:25 the Navigator told me that we were in the Mondego River at Figueira.

At 07:50 we went aground on a sand bar and I called "B" with the battery set.  Hearing no reply, I shifted to 756 meters, and copied the following, although I missed the call letters: "NC-4 passed station A, but Rathburne (B) has not sighted yet period sea smooth".