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I nodded.
"I am going to take you with Dr Gros to Abbeville."
"How long will we be away?"  I asked.
"One night."
Emilie packed a small bag for me much [[strikethrough]] brilluat [[/strikethrough]] excited and intensely curious as to my destination.  [[strikethrough]] About this I was properly mysterious. [[/strikethrough]]
"Je vais dans le nord, Emilie, thats all I can tell you.  I expect to be away one night, but if I don't get back there is no reason to worry."
"Madame will be fighting-?"
"Qui sait?"
While she packed I got into my warmest clothes, for the weather was perishingly cold, eating a bite in between [[strikethrough]] times each [[/strikethrough]] ^[[each]] garment.
"Madame will have her gaiters"

Transcription Notes:
Abbeville is in the Somme valley