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Juilly is an old college, founded in the dark ages 16 something. The day was perfect-like an American autumn day, so perfect one forgot one was in France in winter. The final sight of the place rejoiced me. I had been Told it was beautiful, sympathetic and so on, but was not prepared for its charm, or [[strikethrough]]its suggestive[[strikethrough]] the appeal it made. It was damp, dirty and smelly inside, but the large dormitories would be perfect as wards [[strikethrough]]if[[strikethrough]] when one imagined them heated and aired.

St. Genevieve out for a strole one day [[strikethrough]]was[[strikethrough]] became very thirsty and expressed the desire for a drink. Immediately a spring burst from the ground and to express her gratitude she [[strikethrough]] [[built]] [[strikethrough]] started the college. A little shrine [[insert]] to[[/insert]][[strikethrough]] [[St Genevieve]][/strikethrough]][[wavy line]] her memory the spring reminds the visitor of [[strikethrough]] the [[strikethrough]] Juilly's foundation and its ivy covered base [[strikethrough]] fo [[strikethrough]] and picturesque setting form a delightfully romantic spot.