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of 3 divisions north of Avesnes - on 26 on account of horses being tired could not give assistance  4 German army corps against Smith Dorrien
Retiring 26th Smith Dorrien [[strikethrough]] re [[/strikethrough]]
Germans did not follow - presumably driven back to Noyen, Chauny La Fère 28th halted.
On 27th & 28th Sordet still fighting at Cambrai.

British army 125000 men
German - ag 200000 men -


2d Fuel Dispatch. Sept 17th
29th French for La Fère north on Oise
also for Roye north - 6th Corp.
English Noyen - La Fère
Germans on Somme to be attacked by
5 French army.
Visit from Joffre - Plan to, 