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week.  In the afternoon I was about in Dr Derby's ward.  I saw details of work in the ward.  Washing etc. When I got home I found a long letter from Bob.  They had left for Bordeaux.  Dr Martin came to see me and we had rather a satisfactory talk.

Today was at the hospital as usual.  Saw lunch served.  It was wonderfully done and an excellent lunch.  Was in the linen room for a long time this afternoon.  Went for a long walk again late.  E. Cowdin came in.  Bed & dinner.  Am restless as hell tonight.

The British will accept us at Abbeville - will something better come from the French.  I would rather work for the French, but it does not [[underlined]] really [[/underlined]] matter.

Should like to write about cases in the Hospital but find it difficult to get time, also in the evening, I like to get my mind off horrors.

One soldier is going to lose his leg tomorrow.  They have tried to save it for some time.  His knee was all shot away.  He's very courageous, very young 21 and would not consent yesterday to having it done.  "What's the use".  Today he said yes.  They will operate

Transcription Notes:
Elliott Cowdin was Robert Bacon's brother-in-law who became an aviator