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warmest clothes (It was simply freezing) and was ready.  We did not get off as soon as we expected for Gross was detained.  I met the famous Champoiseau about whom B. has told me so much.  [[strikethrough]] He [[/strikethrough]] ^[[C]] is the military chauffeur whom [[strikethrough]] te [[/strikethrough]] ^[[he]] had come here before, given to him by the government.  [[strikethrough]] Then [[/strikethrough]] The little Schneider is a most business like looking car. I sat next Champoiseau and B & Gross were behind.  We had a big Packard following us with our bags, a "militaire" to run it and a chauffeur with him.  Just as we were leaving Dr Martin, Charlie Carroll ^[[Du Bouchet]] C. Greenough (the architect of the changes made in the present ambulance) turned up.  They were just back from Juilly which the French Government told B. at Bordeaux we could have for an Auxiliary if we wanted it.  They seemed to think very well of the place, but as we were in a hurry to get off we only heard a little about it all.  It felt very business like and comfortable in my little seat next to Champoiseau and I was so excited and pleased that my spirits were high.

It was 2.30 when we started by way of St Denis