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in a motor outside, just as you would a spy - suspicious character. X

From Amiens we went via Quillins, Trevent Hesdin, Fruges to St Omer. The later is the English Head Quarters. It was quite dark when we got there. I waited outside while they talked to Major Evans etc. and Phil was coming on slowly in the Packard. The Renault we had not seen since lunch. Papers had to be obtained, information gotten about a unit of American ambulances which are to come up here very soon and it was 6.30 before we got off to Dunkirk. The roads were in a shocking condition, [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] and many very narrow so [[strikethrough]] one [[/strikethrough]] in turning out for cars coming in the opposite direction one was often pushed into a muddy gutter. However we arrived safely a little before eight - went to seven hotels before we found rooms. The Hotel Victoria is in the quay and one would not pick it out for its preposessing exterior - however there were beds in it, which we reserved and went back to Arcade for dinner. There who should I meet but Parks who is driving a car in an Anglo-Belgian Unit here, Mrs Guest whose husband