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Dec. 2d Weekly Paper.
Lord Kitchener said in the House of Lords: "After a hotly contested battle (the Russian right flank on the Vistula) the reinforced Russian troops in the neighborhood have been able to check and defeat the Germans, with I believe heavier losses than they have ever obtained before.  In the meantime the Russians advance on Cracow and in the Carpathian mountains has been uninterrupted and has driven the Austrian forces before it."  Rumors than von Hindenburg had got his forces into such a tangle between the Warta & the Vistula with Lodz as their approximate center that he was bound to suffer another Sedan.  

Russians claimed that in falling back the Germans had suffered immense losses while on the other hand the Kaiser conferred the rank of Field-Marshall on General von Hindenburg in recognition of his having captured 60,000 Russian prisoners 150 guns and about 200 machine-guns.

Englands capture ^[[by Indian troops,]] of Basra from Turkey.  A seaport serving as commercial outlet for all Mesopotamia and destined to become the terminus of the Baghdad Railway.