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General Information - & Anecdotes.

T. Slidell's remark, "Asquith came & sat down next to me and tried to pump me."

Hungarian Hospital Story - Beautiful lady who gave baths. Orderly.

In Budapest about 6,000 wounded.

350,000 troops at present fighting in France. There will be 500 000 by the middle of January.

Belgians - who took officers in and whose daughters were then raped by 10 officers.

Girl near Metz - 16 men - enceinte (story told by woman at chancellery)

In one month there will be [[underlined]] no [[/underlined]] food left in Belgium.

Canadian troops are supposed to be no good. Have not yet been sent to front 2,000 have deserted. 

General Castelnau's success at Nancy in defeating the Crown Prince's army prevented the occupation of Paris (view of little officer's son met in train between Geneva & Culoz)

The extraordinary character developed in the