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had been saved.  The battle lasted for seven days and extended on many miles of front.  The Russians advanced to meet the Germans who stopped and occupied entrenched positions near Warsaw, until outflanked, whereupon they hastily fell back.

Maharajah Jam Saheb of [[strikethrough]] Na [[/strikethrough]] Nawanagar known as Ranji, a famous cricketer was among the first to put himself at the disposal of the King when war was proclaimed.

Nov. 8 & 9 Ypus was being bombarded.

The Cossack's hang about the German & Austrian baggage - wagon - trains and convoys, pounce upon them & destroy.  The men in the rear-guard convoys of General von Hindenburg's army, during their retreat after the failure of the German attempt on Warsaw [[strikethrough]] had [[/strikethrough]] suffered much.  Also the Austrian earlier when flying in disorder before General Russki, after the defeat at Lemburg.  This is what the Cossacks used to do 100 yrs ago when Napolean was retreating from Moscow.

The Destruction of the Battleship Bulwark by internal explosion Nov 26th.  Between 700 & 800 lives lost.  Up to this time 8000 lives lost in the Navy.

Dec. 2. English paper says - the Germans have now in the field, east & west no fewer than 98 army corps apart from the Landsturm and supernumeraries, totalling, say, 4,000,000 of men of whom the French compute that about 2,000,000 are in the western theatre of war.