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The recent cracking of the four minute mile by Englishman Roger Bannister has brought to the fore in all minds achievments in the realm of speed. True champions are few and far between and we are happy to announce the discovery of a real champion in our midst. He possesses both the temperment and background necessary to excell in the field of "when in doubt, go faster !" A long time owner of a foreign a sports car and an honorary member of the National Association of Stock Car Racers, he was offered a pole position in the Strategic Air Command Lemay Handicap at Offut AFB. He declined starting because winning a B-29 did not interest him. 
In Korea he has been operating a standard stock model with no racing cams or special fuels. His mount is not stripped except to the extent normal for operation on Korean roads. He has had little scope for his talents except the hope for a record run on the mud flats at Gang Bang You or the International Korean Open Road race over the twenty tortourous miles from Suwon to Osan. This spine tingling course is characterized by brutal washboard surfaces, hairpin turns, and scurrying Buddhists trying to get their personal devils killed behind them. 
This race is run at the call of the Commanding General at 5th Air Force and is in the nature of a Wing Commanders mobility plan. The longer it takes for this run, the longer the driver has to meditate on past sins to be explained in the supreme presence. Consequently there is a natural desire to negotiate the distance in the least possible time. However to rise above the plateau of everyday performance one needs the inspiration produced by pacers such as Roger Bannister used in breaking the four minute mile. For his record shattering performance our hero got off to a fast start through the gate at K-13 and picked up his pacers almost immediately in the form of Air Police. Given impetus by the presence of these dogged and determined pacers he pressed on relentlessly and fearlessly, deftly and swiftly, roaring through the gate ar K-55 with a