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^[[Aug 13, 1953]]
White Peasants To Toil On African Farms
For the first time in African history, the Southern Rhodesia government will try an experiment by having a white man regularly till the soil with his own hands instead of having Africans do it for him. The program calls for bringing in some 500 Italian peasants, marking the first permanent appearance in Africa of a white peasant. During the first two years, the white peasants will work on a salary-plus-bonus system. The third and fourth year they will be sharecropper tenants. After that, they can begin installment buying of the land they till.
[[black and white photo of three women and three men in evening dress at a round dining table.There is an arrangement of flowers on the table. One woman looks directly into the camera.]]
106th Anniversary Celebration: Among the many dignitaries attending the 106th anniversary party at the Liberian Embassy in Washington was General B. O. Davis, Sr. (standing), who appeared to enjoy watching others eat. Host on the 106th celebration of Liberia's becoming a republic was Ambassador Clarence Lorenzo Simpson
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