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G. Adachi -I & E, Japan Air Defense Force
PFC Umberto Amodio -7th Inf Regt
Cpl James W Armstrong -PIO 24th Inf Div
PFC Frank V Arundell - Eta Jima Specialist School
M/Sgt Clayton Barrow -1st Marine Div
PFC Howard Beckerman -Hq 2d Inf Div
Captain Garth Bell -Hq FEC, G-2
Bledsoe -USFFE
W. E. Brown -USFFE


Brownstein & Thurston -Hq I Corp Arty
Pvt Harry E Buckley -57th FA Bn
PFC Peter Chanin –40th Div
A/2C Robert L Curtis –4th A/C Equip Rep Sq
PEC Peter Dakis –40th AAA Bn
Cpl Robert G Driscoll –Pacific Stars and Stripes
Farbolin –Hq & Serv Co, 1903 EAB
PEC Richard A Fehlman –Hq & Hq Co, 21st Bn
Sgt Marvin Friedman –Hq Co, 3d Div
PEC Don G Girardi -Hq & Hq Co, 21st Inf Regt
PFC Howard Greenbaum -7th Infantry, 3d Div
Sgt R. V. Hagman -1954th AACS Sq
A/1C Johnny Hart -Hq, Fifth Air Force
PFC Ernest Henenfeld -25th Div
Cpl Russell Holman -Hq Co, 9th Inf Regt
PFC Richard W. Hope -73d ECB
PFC Kenneth C Hovis -5th Cavalry Regt
Sgt Charles Huddleston -MSG Cen Sig Co, 1st Marine Div
PFC Hare Jackim -8221st FA Top and Met Det
Pvt Garv Jennings -Hq, KComZ
PFC Clifford Johnson -17th FA Bn
PEC Chris Kenyon -73d Eng Com Bn
Don Klotz -USN
Cpl Bill C Knipp -62d ECB
Sgt Edward G Kucera -Hq Co, 45th Div
A/3C Patrick H Lawless -542d Bomber Wing
S/Sgt Jarrell (LEG) LeGate -Hq Sq 581st ARC Wing
CPL Paul Lipman -Co I, 31st RCT
PFC Wally Littman -Hq & Hq Co. 8042 AU
PFC Gene Lowder -SSO, 24th Inf Div
T/Sgt James Mabry -Hq 20th Weather Sq
A/1C John McLeod, Jr. -Hq Sq 4th FIW
Meyers -24th Inf Div
SFC Frank Miller -KMAG Signal Div
T/Sgt T. Murray -USMCR
ACAN Bob Neumeryer -Navy 3923 FASRON 120
Pvt Lawrence Nordstrom -2d BPO
W. Peary -USN
PFC George Peters -22d Sig Co
PFC Richard Porteus -Hq Co, 25 Inf Div
Lt D. D. Redmond -31st Inf Regt
Cpl Thomas G Riedl -C Bn, 30 Engr
Pvt Herbert J Rowswell -Sig Co, 8098th AU
Sgt Hal Ruble -24th Inf Div
Cpl W. Samboy -120th med Bn
T/Sgt Jake Schuffert -FEAF Cargo Command
PFC William H Shaffer -Med Co, 14th Inf Regt
Sgt Clarence Sherrick -Hq IX Corps
Sgt Charles Slaughter -3d Division
PFC Garnet Sleep -91st MP Bn