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Jan 1 1955

Dear General & Mrs. B. Davis

Thank you very, very much for your nice Christmas present which I got at Mrs. Nitta's. Both were what I like to have, thank you so much

How are you? How is your vacation going? I spent Christmas time at my cousins and will have New Year at my brothere's.

I am supposed to start my next job from 3rd of January. I hope it goes well.

Thank you again for your kindness. hopping your happy New Year

With best wishes

Sincerely yours,

Tamiko Tsunoda
272 Seijo-machi,
Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

[[postage stamp with oriental lady and script with 10 in lower right corner - cancellation stamp with "30.1 0-6]]

General & Mrs. B. Davis
Apb.112, Bldg. B.
Pershing Heights,

[[oriental script]]