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^[[Nov 20]]

28 October 1954

Brigadier General B. O. Davis, Jr
Director of Operations and Training
Far East Air Force
APO 323
San Francisco, California

Dear General:

The radio yesterday and the newspapers of today are carrying the news of your promotion. Edith joins with me in sending our sincerest congratulations. I am sure that all of the other members of your previous commands are equally well pleased as I. We hope that this star will be joined by others in the years to come.

Thank you very much for the immediate answer to the letter I wrote to you while at the 51st. My camera arrived safely shortly after I received your letter. Incidently the newspapers have carried the information that the 51st has gone back to the islands and has been augmented by two squadrons from the 8th (I think).

Please extend our greetings to Mrs. Davis who is I am sure with you by now. Belated congratulations also on your assignment as Director of Operations and Training.

