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29 October 1954

Brigadier General B.O. Davis, Jr. 
Headquarters Far East Air Force
APO 925
San Francisco, California 

Dear General: 

I don't know when I've learned of another's promotion that pleased me more than to hear of yours. Believe me, it couldn't have happened to a nicer person. I'm sure that all of us who served under you with the Fighting Fifty-First have watched for this word with no little interest, knowing how much you deserve the advancement and hoping that it wouldn't be too long in coming to you. That you gained and held the admiration and respect of each member of your staff under pleasant and pressure-less associations certainly attest to your leadership ability. While I cannot speak for the others, I know I "learned while doing", and that experience should be of material help to me in the future. When all is said and done, the real test of a commander's popularity comes when he has to leave his outfit. And did we all hate to see you leave! Now I am sure we may all rightly share in your happiness on this occasion - my heartiest congratulations to you. 

You may be interested to know that upon my return I was assigned to Headquarters EADF, Stewart Air Force Base, Newburgh, New York. My present duty is Director of Personnel Services, which may or may not become a permanent duty assignment. Actually, I've been told that under a reshuffling, soon to take place, I may end up as Director of Military Personnel at this headquarters. In any event, this experience in Personnel Services should help to round out an overall personnel field for me so the "time's not wasting". Needless to say, I'm extremely happy to be away from the "never-never land" and back in the ZI with my family once more. I find the transition most easy and soon may even forget all the Korean and Japanese words and phrases I had known.