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Wiesbaden, Germany
29 October 1954

Dear General Davis,
When you were in Feaf on Tdy once and visited the Director, should say Deputy for Operations (Colonel Robert H. Warren) we had several interesting conversations and I called you "Ben". You were a colonel then, and once I remember telling you - you were "General Officer" material.

I am so glad, so happy because you are deserving and certainly - intelligent and well liked and respected by everyone who meets you.

Please accept my sincere congratulations and my best wishes for all the success that will
surely continue to come your way.


[[signed]] Maxine Elliott Pulliam [[/signed]]

P.S. If you ever need a [[underlined]] good [[/underlined]] secretary, let me know! Col. Warren was here with Gen Kelly recently - he looks good.      

[[newspaper clipping]]
'Davis Named AF's 1st Negro General

WASHINGTON, Oct. 28 (AP) -
President Eisenhower has named the first Negro Air Force general. He is Benjamin Oliver Davis, Jr., a 41-year-old native of  Washington now serving as director of operations and training of the Far East Air Forces.

Davis, who is the son of Brig Gen Benjamin O. Davis, a retired Army officer, was promoted from
the rank of colonel to the temporary rank of brigadier general under the President's directive. His father was the first Negro to become an Army general.

A 1936 graduate of West Point, the new AF general flew 60 combat missions as a World War II pilot serving in Italy as commander of the 332nd Fighter Gp.
[[/newspaper clipping]]