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^[[Just addressed envelope "Col B O D." Did never get court martialed for sending that one]]

P.O. Box 321
Wallkill, N Y
18 November, 1954

Dear General:

Boy, that sure sounds good. Congratulations! I know you were very happy to get the good news, but I assure you, you were not a bit more happy than I was. I'll never get one myself, but I'll sure celebrate every time a deserving friend gets one.

Have been intending to write every since we received the card from Agatha, but just one thing after another it seems. Between a lot of work at the office that requires a lot of overtime, these three growing boys of ours, and the multitudinous chores Marina can find for me to do around the house, I cannot even find time any more for ham radio. Been building a super dooper for almost a year now, and although it is almost ready to put on the air, the fact remains that after a year it isn't on yet.

Hope you are enjoying Tokyo. I know Agatha is. I also know that you will come home flat broke if you don't watch her on the Ginza. By all means, if either of you can pull it, and it is not too risky these days, make a trip to Hong Kong.  Marina spent a week there with a friend from Clark and it is an experience she will never forget. I got there on an unplanned and unscheduled quickie about 3 weeks later and would have had nothing to spend had I been so disposed. Had about 3 hours and less than $200 and they were both gone before I knew what was happening. You will also have to work up a fat cat trip to visit the 13th AF and incidentally work in a trip to [[strikethrough]] Bx [[/strikethrough]] Baguio. Don't worry about the clubs, they have them there (golf that is).

Not too much happening with us. We are growing older every day. Time passes so quickly it frightens us.  The boys are growing like weeds. Marina has been campaigning for a little girl now for months, but I think the family is about large enough, I think we are growing a little old for this foolishness, and besides, it would be another boy anyway. Can't seem to make her agree on a single point though.

I came out on the list this year as an alternate to next year's class at the War College. Don't know exactly what that means, but I rather doubt that there is much of a chance for an alternate on that one.  I was number 18 of 30 alternates too, that even further narrows down the chance. My biggest hope is that it is an indication towards an appointment as a principal for the following class. Not that I am too eager a volunteer to go back to school at this late date--and I certainly have lost nothing in Alabama, but I would like the opportunity for career development. I do have another permanent promotion to sweat out. No