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quarters are available for students down there now, so if I get down I'll probably put the family up over at Tuskegee and by so doing get them in a desirable environment, keep them out of my hair when study is required, and yet be able to get to see them at least once a week. Marina would shoot me were she to see this. From what little I've seen of Montgomery however, I think they would be much happier over at Tuskegee. Our old DO is in the present class down there. Carroll McColpin who was a fine guy. Old Eagle Squadron man who was in 3rd AF while we were at Tuskegee. Said he made one or two inspections of us there.

You may know our present DO. Col Agan. Very quiet.  He came in a couple months ago now. Hope he turns out to be as good a boss to work for as McColpin was. I have been very fortunate so far, both as to CGs and DOs.  Think you know Gen Nelson, our commander here. He was in Italy for a while when we were. You also know our asst DO--Harley Vaughn. He told me that he worked for you in Korea. Your ears certainly would have burned.

Talked to Gus Hoffman today. Guess he was DCE there at FEAF for a while after you got there. He is now my counterpart out at Central working for Gen Crabb.  Said he has been there about 3 weeks. He called requesting copies of my functional and organizational charts. We had sent his office a monthly roster of officers and he decided he liked the organizational breakdown.

We have lost track of most people. Elmer and Frankye Jones spent a week end with us a couple months ago.  They are at Griffiss. It was the first time I had seen them since Columbus, though Marina had seen them in Dayton before she came to the PI. Chappie James has been on two TV programs in the last month. Has become quite a character. He has one of our squadrons up at Otis, but I haven't seen him. Shelton, Freddie Hutchison, Marion Rodgers, and another 99th man are all C&E in the command. Marina has seen Gail Williams once or twice since Yancey's death. Gail is now living out at Jamaica LI with a sister who recently married.  You know they had adopted a little German boy while overseas. I think it is probably better that she has the little fellow to keep her occupied now. She was quite broken up over Yancey's death, as was to be expected.

Les Heartz who commanded the 502nd Tac Control Group in Korea until recently was in the office yesterday.  You probably knew him. He is now DCE up at our 32nd Division in Syracuse. Came in to get acquainted.  Think he is a big operator and a little unhappy at the assignment to a division.

Well, haven't said a thing, but used a lot of paper.  Let us hear from you before you get your third star.  You ought to be ripe for ADC somewhere when you get back. Marina may request Agatha to pick her up a couple pieces of open stock Noritake china before you return. We have broken two pieces. Has the camera bug bitten you yet? It got me but good over there.


^[[ [[signature]] Nelson [[/signature]] ]]