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23 November 1954

Dear General Davis,

I'll use the old cliche "better late than never" on congratulations.  I can assure you that everyone in the basement was over joyed in reading about your promotion.  The expression among the 'Indians' and 'Branch Chief' level was it couldn't happen to a better fellow and finer gentleman".  We were quite delighted to see your father's enjoyment during television and newspaper interviews.

The OC Division is not the same - all of the old timers gone.  John Shields is back in Walter Reed with his knee trouble.  Whitfield left for USAFE during the summer, Charlie Chitty is attending the Air War College and the old boss, General Kenny Gibson, is busy selling his new AEW job.  We were of course happy to see his well deserved promotion.  Col Necrasson took over the Division from Kenny, and Paul Jones, of the Transport Branch, went up as Deputy and John Shields went from the Dep Div Chief job t your old job of Chief, Ftr Br. Col Gunn took over the Flt Br.

'Things' have settled down, the status board is still up in the OC Chief's office and is still just as difficult to read.

Tomorrow is my last day of work.  We sail for New York on 4 Jan for Hqs USAFE, Wiesbaden; 'crossing over the bridge' from Operations to Logistics - job is to be Chief of Current Plans Div, Log Plans, DCS/M.
