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9 December 1954

General Benjamin o. Davis, Jr.
Office of Deputy for Operations
Headquarters, Far East Air Forces
APO 925
San Francisco, California

Dear Sir:
Congratulations on your recent promotion to Brigidier General, United States Air Force. I am sure that many an anxious moment was terminated when you received this highly coveted promotion. We, who have previously served with you, have been almost as anxious as you to hear or see news of your promotion. Certainly, you highly deserve this promotion for an outstanding performance with the air force.

The news of your promotion came to us via the local newspaper; they made use of a two column spread to inform us of your promotion and a few of your outstanding duty performances with the military. You may rest assured that you will long remain in the minds of everyone for your leadership and ability to get the job done.

I hope that you will continue the great work for which you are so capable in the United States Air Force, and with a sense of pride, realize that out air force is what it is today and what it will be tomorrow, through efforts such as yours.

I certainly hope that you are enjoying your tour with Headquarters, Far East Air Forces---lots of luck and God-speed.

[[signed]]HAROLD R. PEPPER[[/signed]]
Captain, USAF (MC)