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Dec 20 1954

Dear General:

Happened to notice this in the Post Sunday thought you might be interested. Also a reporter was here last week interviewing me and Joe Tyler. Seems he is doing a story for Readers Digest on you. We fixed you up good. 

Joe say to say hello. Matelski is down at Maxwell going to school and Kelly is now stationed in Paris. We forwarded your letter. Very few familiar faces around here now. I am going to OSI March 1st. 
This letter is short and [jerky?] but I want to get it off today. Congrats again on your promotion. Shirlee says hello and sends a special greeting to Aggie. All for now. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
P.S. I finally graduated from Maryland last July and have been nominated to Phi Kappa Phi the national honor society.