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[[Christmas card]]
[[preprinted]] Merry [[image- candle]] Christmas
[[image - black and white photograph of single storey house, with lights in a bush outside]
From Our House To Your House [[/preprinted]]
[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[inside of card]]
Hi Kids!! Congrats, and all that 'Pippin' good business that was, you know, old boy; you becoming a General and all that you know. Keep going. Hope you can come through old New Orleans sometime to see us, Best of luck - Giles.

Agatha - Really your letters are so stimulating. Students coming in already know we are receiving Foreign Cards. They want to see them. I was so happy to show them yours.

Giles took this picture of the little Univ. cottage. Doesn't fill the bill at all, for my Haitian, and Indian loot. Most of it is in storage. I hate it Agatha, but what can I do if I don't have