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Dear Aggie and Ben:

We have been reading about Ben, and caught him once on television. Joel and I both are so happy and proud to see the well merited recognition coming your way these days.

Aggie, you are far far away now - but military life being what it is, you may return to D. C. in the not too far off future. When and if that occurs we promise ourselves to see more of both of you.

Our daughter Lois was in Walter Reed for ten months, with an inflammatory condition of the left hip. She is home now, and although she will be on a brace and crutches for at least a year, all three of us are wonderfully content to be together as a family again.

Otherwise life goes on as before - I am going into my second year of teaching at Howard, and about this time every year begin to count the days until Commencement.

Do let us hear from you