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[[archival note:]]
[Summer?] [1912] before Oct. 1912



Desreat [[Dearest]] Dodo:-

Thank you so much for your very dear letter which I was glad to get. I think you are a faithful corespondent and it is most satisfactory. I am amiling you herewith that book which I have been delayed in getting off. It is just as a nice a story and I hope you will enjoy reading it. I will send you another soon.

Well I have cast the die and takien an apartment. I have hunted all over and finally found one so satisfactory as to the arrangements of rooms that I decied to take it even though it was not in the location I wanted. It is on 54th S East and has some very ? large rooms at least in comparison with all the rest I searched for.,I have had to take a 3 years lease with the right of subletting it. It wont cost me more to live there than here but my hope of it costing less I fear will not be ralized. The lease is not yet signed so there may be a slip but I dont suppose so. The advantage is that it is an entirely new apartm nt and that w can select the paper on the wall , and it is very nice. We are going to have obe living room which will be th dining room , and Frances and I each a study and a sleeping room and Mrs Long will have a bed room and keep house for us. I like her so much and she knows how which will make it satisfactory. Then I shall have on guest room which is small and perhaps another unless the maid will have to sleep there. It is so well planned that it is a joy , and will be highly satisfactory fr from that point of view, and it is between Park and Lexington so that the car line is accessable . It is on the second floor and has not much sun which is detrimental and made me hesitate quite a time but I found nothing else as generaly satisfactory.  

Transcription Notes:
[[spelling]] amiling = mailing takien = taken decied = decided ralized = realized apartm nt = apartment obe = one th = the on = one generaly = generally