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^[[Mary E. Dreier]]


[[image: oval seal with the words ALLIED PRINTING TRADES COUNCIL CHICAGO]] 12

October 21st, 1912.

Dearest Dodo:

Friday was such a busy day that I simply forgot that it was Friday, and suddenly remembered, when it was too late, that I should have gotten my letter off to you. I could get away for Saturday and Sunday into the country - that is, practically Sunday, as Saturday, we had a public hearing in Yonkers, which I attended with the Factory Investigating Commission. I tho^[[ught]] it was an exceedingly stupid hearing, but some of the people present who were local people, interested in the local situation, thot it was [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] most illuminating and interesting, so you never can tell. Anyway, I was very tired and exhausted, and went from there to White Plains where we spent Sunday. It was Frances' birthday, and we had a very happy day. It was simply heavenly, and the country lovely, and the woods a joy to walk in. Mr. Paul Warburg is building a house on the top of one of their hills. It was supposed to be a small country place for rest and recreation for Mrs. Warburg, but it has developed into a very large establishment with a number of immense [[strikethrough]] garden [[/strikethrough]] green houses, and a lovely little gardner's cottage which I myself would like to live in. They have a terraced garden which will be very beautiful. Behind the big house, there is a small one which they propose to have open in winter where they can go for over Sunday. But for a real place of rest, I should hardly think it desirable, considering the immensity of the establishment

Transcription Notes: shop #12 was Grand Rapids Michigan