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[[preprinted]] 118 EAST 54TH STREET
NEW YORK [[/preprinted]]


lagging and had to go home and work right from school, and yet with all of the extra work, one of the women testified that, on her investigations, the earnings for a week varied from 80 cents to $1.50., and a little over $2., that, if it reached more than $2.50. a week, it was very exceptional.  Other wonderful testimony was about a woman who worked on crochet slippers.  It had been said earlier in the day that these slippers were done by women of leisure, just to get a little extra money.  That is what the manufacturer had said.  This woman testified that one of her good friends worked on these slippers.  That she had to get up a dawn, and, after working sometime, she ate her breakfast, and, then would work on through the day taking a moment to eat lunch, and at eight o'clock she would take a nap for about an hour or an hour and a half, and, then, that she would work until two or three o'clock, in the morning, going to sleep until dawn.  She was paid forty cents a dozen for these slippers, and she could make, working as I have just described, only six pair or twenty cents a day.  On this twenty cents, she was trying to support a little grandchild, a baby.  Of course, the baby was being underfed, and the care of it had to be supplemented by charity.  As a matter of course, if charity supplemented her twenty cents a day more, she