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[[preprinted]] 118 EAST 54TH STREET
NEW YORK [[/preprinted]]


It was very interesting to see the different angles from which the same subject was presented. Especially was it delightful to hear Governor Stubs from Kansas. I tell you what, Kansas is the greatest State in the universe.  He was so delightful, and captivated the whole crowd with a voice that rung from corner to corner that it could have been heard in New York, and so good in quality that it was not offensive in the least.  He put the people in good humor, and created a good deal of laughter.  Other Kansas people, William Allen White, and Mr. Allen, the humorist, also spoke.  Then again, Mr. Bird, from Massachusetts, long and thin and piquant in face and a fine voice with the air of a prophet in raising his right arm and shaking his long narrow forefinger at the audience.  It was a curious and interesting assemblage.  Beveridge spoke with not as much fire as I have heard him, and disappointingly from my point of view.  The company refused to go home a number of times when the chairman said the meeting was ready to adjourn.  The next day they continued the meeting, but, I refused to go, having heard all I could stand, and the next day they had a conference of the Illinois women which was really fine.  Gretchen was presiding officer, and Frances and Jane Addams both spoke on the proposed plan of work, and, as Miss Addams said, was a sort of duet in answering questions and supplementing each other.  It was very delightful as well as instructive.

I saw some of the members of the League, and had a