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Dearest Dod ; The world has not stood still since I wrote you hast week , and there is so much to say that I cannot find either words or time to write it all to you. We sent you and Kate a [[strikethrough]] n [[/strikethrough]] cable telling you of the adoption of a splendid suffrage plank by the new party and the social and industrial plank which surpasses our wildest dreams. it is too wonderful to be true  , and yet it is clearly stated that the party [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] "pledges itself to work unceasingly in state and nation " for these things. I will send you or Kate fuller details a little later when I have more time. We are all in the seventh heaven, and feel that a new era has come. Ofcourse our friend in opposition say that a platforn is only a vote getter and that no one ever lives up to it or intends to do so , but the men and women, of this party are different. They do intend to live up to their platform/ It really was a trememdous expezriece , it was like be in a crusade , the spirit of th crusader filled the hearts of most of the people present/ Just think of singing the battle Hymn of the Republic ! That was the song which was sung oftenest , that after Beveridge's speech was sung from start to finish with unqualified enthusiasm.

There is so much to tell you but I have not the time now so this will be a short letter.

Anna sails today and I wanted very much to get home to see her off but it was impossible. There was a great deal to do beside the convention here , as I had not been here for ages and had to have a conference with ^[[Life & Labor]] then some of the girls. Not to speak of Gretcthen whom I saw nothing of during the convention days. 

Mrs Long went home and promised to attend to Anna and see that she had every thing and got off well.

Give my love to Kate and keep lots for yourself

[[signature]] Mary . [[/signature]]

[[insertion]] Others send love. [[/insertion]]

[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]