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been done. This is extremely hopeful. Ofcourse our next work will be a very important one, on the minimum wage of men and women. 

They presented Mr. Elkus with a Loving Cup, which pleased me greatly, and was an entire surprise to him. He was really quite overcome, and we also presented one to our Secretary, who afterwards came to me and thanked me for my part in it. I told him that ofcourse he had known that I had not always been for him, and that I was very glad to express my appreciation for what he has done in this way. This tickled him to pieces, and he confided to me that I caused him many sleepless nights, which ofcourse I donot believe. To my utter amazement Mr. Dowling toasted me. You know he is the one with whom I have had very strenuous tiffs and expressed my opinion in certain terms, so it was really quite overwhelming. They finally appointed a Committee to plan out next years work, and I am on that Committee. If I can only stay in the City for the next few months, I think we could do something, but I fancy it will be done anyway, most happily. 

What a delightful time you must have had with Lillie's children, and what a beautiful home she must have, judging from the postal card you sent me. 

I am awfully sorry to hear about Therese, what a really tragic life hers has been with that unhappy boy. I have to do a lot of work so must stop this letter. 

With a great deal of love.

[[signature]] Mary [[signature]]

P.S. - Hope you wont mind my not reading it over. am tired - will send you [[strikethrough]]30.[[/strikethrough]] 35. to buy a present from me.- 