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money to keep the family. He was digging the foundations of one of our mighty buildings. A link in the great chain which hoisted the rock was weak--it broke--the rock fell and crushed her father to death. And this young girl, making six to seven dollars a week in the busy season, was confronted with the task of providing food, clothes and shelter for a family of five. What an unnatural burden for the great state of New York to place upon the slim shoulders of a seventeen year-old girl! Who suffered? Not the contractor, not the industry, but the innocent wife and children of the man done to death. Who paid? The mother & children in lack of food, shelter and clothes--you in your doles of charity which [[strikethrough]] do not meet the situation [[/strikethrough]] lead nowhere--you in your taxes to build and maintain institutions for the destitute, the criminal, and the insane. This is not an isolated case. 180,000 industrial accidents have been reported to the Department of Labor since March 1911.

There is way to meet this ruthless brutality of our modern industrial life. Vote for Amendment No. II which will give the legislature power to enact laws to protect the lives of the workers of this great state. Give us a real workman's compensation law, which no Court of Appeals will have the power to declare unconstitutional.

So, men of New York, we look to you--not only to vote for a clean and incorruptible government, not only to give the legislature power to make the laws you want--but to stand guard at the poles [[polls]], so corruption does not enter the ballot box. Your opportunity comes next Tuesday. Yours is the choice. Choose well, for your choice is brief & yet endless.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: formatted some per instructions and corrected typos Edited under new guidelines