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[[preprinted]] TELEPHONE, MONROE 825
[[Image: Chicago Allied Printing Trades Council logo]] 236


December 11, 1912.

Dearest Dad:-

I am just received a list of the names of the men handling arrangements for the Panama Pacific Exposition of 1915 and so I am sending them right on to you.

The following are members of the Commission:

W. S. Richardson, representing McKim, Mead & White, New York.
Thomas Hastings of Carrere & Hastings, New York.
Robert Farquhar, Los Angeles
Carl Bitter, Adviser in Sculpture.
A. Stirling Calder, Chief[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]] of Sculpture,
Louis Christian Mullgardt,
Clarence R. Ward
J. Harry Bloome,
George W. Kelham,
Arthur Brown, Jr.
Willis Polk
[[underlined]] Jules Guerin, Director of Color [[/underlined]]
Edward Bennett
Clarence Howard
Harris D. H. Connick, Director of Works.

George W. Kelham id Architect in Chief.

Any of these gentlemen may be addressed care of The Panama Pacific Exposition Building, San Francisco, California.

Mary is here with me attending a conference of the Progressive Party which is a most remarkable and interesting gathering. Raymond and I leave Tuesday for Florida and our address there is Brooksville, Florida. I am trying to persuade Mary to come down in January for a rest and hope she is going to do it.

With much^[[,]] much love,

[[signature]] Gretchen]] [[/signature]]
[[stamp]] ARCHIVES OF AMERICAN ART [[/stamp]]

^[[A very merry Christmas dear to you & Therese!]]