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Camden Co., N.C. June the 29th 1867

Raleigh N.C.

Gen Robert Avery,

Sir: I take the liberty of Sending you a few lines in order that I may Inform you of the way and maner that the Rebells are manageing the Buisness of my County. In the first place thees Rebells will not have a man that has taken up arms in favour of the United States to serve as a Juror, and thar names are not in the Jury Box, and therefore if a union man has a cause of and Indictment or suit he has no Justice shown him in the Courts of Camden. Because it is tried By Rebell Magistrates an Rebell Jurors, Entirely and thay have Sowrn in Ther wrath that they will not give Justice to a union man [[strikethrough]] Jury [[/strikethrough]] while on the other hand the Jury Box of my County is Crowed with Gurilas Both officers and privates, and we the true union men of the County are scoffed off, and troden under foot By thees men who violated the Laws of the united States and tried to force others to do so too. how long Dear General are the United States a going to allow such conduct to go on in thees Rebell States how long are we the true Loyal men of the South to Bee scoffed at 

pleas Sir allow me time to give you a small sketch of the character of