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the Rebells They are to your face I am sure Sir the Best and most uprightest Loyal men in the Country But that is only an outward appearance for inward They are ravenous wolves. They are wolves wraped up in Sheeps Clothing [[ah?]], Sir they are only whited Sepulchres, for they have Desolved the Union of the Southern States and they ^[[would]] Desolve the Union of the United States.

I want you if you please Sir to furnish me with a Caption or Coppy of the Laws, and its restrictions which the Government has placed in the hands of the Rebells for I am under the impression that the Rebells make Laws and Execute them According to ther own will, and also I want to know who you and the government Terms Loyal men, for the Rebells all acknowledge to Be union men now and so if you please to furnish me with the Test Oath for I think that thees Rebell will take any oath that the government may put fourth and then Bee the same, Rebs
Sir we are all poor men and have to Labour for our Living and we are Limited in Literature and so we Do not get no News, from the Government. With thees few lines I leave you hoping to hear from you, and also, hoping that though Broken and Disconnected as it may Bee, that it may meet your kind approbation.

With high respect Sir I am your most Obedient Servant.    Sir I could give you the affidavits of a Dozen men who have served in the United States Army During the Rebelion.

[[signature]] Peter T. Burgess [[/signature]]  

Transcription Notes:
"a h" maybe "o t" for Old Testament? --- Looks like "a. k." - maybe o.k.? - NBuck maybe just "ah, Sir" as a kind of sigh?