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The following Regulations, in accordance with the recommendation of the Convention of Railroad Managers assembled in this city by invitation of the Secretary of War, have been adopted by this Department, for the guidance of its officers in the settlement of accounts with Railroad and Transportation Companies, for the transportation of troops and supplies. The rates went into operation on the 3d of March, 1862:

Regiments, or portions of Regiments, to be transported by the shortest practicable route, at two cents per man per mile; eighty pounds of baggage to be allowed to each man, including those things ordinarily carried by a soldier in heavy marching order, among which are forage, provisions, baggage, equipments, camp and garrison equipage, and tents. Any excess over eighty pounds to a man to be expressly stated as such excess, and charged at 2d class rates, exclusive of horses, wagons, and heavy ordnance accompanying troops, which are to be charged according to the classification hereinafter specified. 

The military tariff is to be 10 per cent. below the printed local and through freight tariffs of the various Companies in force at the time of the service; said tariffs to be furnished with each account to be examined, and no charge to be allowed exceeding the following maximum limits, even though the local tariffs may be at higher rates:

FIRST CLASS.-On short roads, and for distances not exceeding 50 miles, the maximum charge to be 5 cents per ton per mile.
For distances over 50 and not exceeding 83 miles, the maximum charge not to exceed $2 50 per ton, for the entire distance.
For 83 miles and over, the maximum charge to be 3 cents per ton per mile.

SECOND CLASS.-On short roads, and for distances not exceeding 50 miles, the maximum charge to be 4 1/2 cents per ton per mile.
For distances over 50 and not exceeding 82 miles, the maximum charge not to exceed $2 25 per ton, for the entire distance.
For 82 miles and over, the maximum charge to be 2 3/4 cents per ton per mile.

THIRD CLASS.-On short roads, and for distances not exceeding 50 miles, the maximum charge to be 4 1/4 cents per ton per mile.
For distances over 50 and not exceeding 94 miles, the maximum charge not to exceed $2 12 1/2 per ton, for the entire distance.
For 94 miles and over, the maximum charge to be 2 1/4 cents per ton per mile.

FOURTH CLASS.-On short roads, and for distances not exceeding 50 miles, the maximum charge to be 4 cents per ton per mile.
For distances over 50 and not exceeding 114 miles, the maximum charge not to exceed $2 per ton, for the entire distance.
For 114 miles and over, the maximum charge to be 1 3/4 cents per ton per mile.

The full distance transported, by the shortest route, whether over one or many roads, to govern the rate charged.