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[[preprinted]] [[underlined]] GRAND HOTEL DES VOYAGEURS


Telephone 13 [[/underlined]] [[preprinted]]

Sept 5th 09.

My dear Bud,
This is Sunday morning and I have saved it for you to write this long promised letter. 

Johnson and I are now living at the place that Floss and Miss. Cockcroft had when they were here; it is a dandy little villa with a beautiful large garden loaded with flowers, palms fruit trees ets. There is a fine little studio at one end of it in which the old gentleman permits us to work. it is furnished with all kinds of interesting curios that he collected in his younger days. When tired with the noise of sabots, dirt and dirty peasants and bad smells for which Conccarneau has not a small reputation we appreciate this refuge more than a little. I wish you were here with us instead of being at your old Lake George you could dive from the rocks into the ocean here and be fished out by me, but perhaps you would not like that as well as being saved by your present rescuers?

We have been here about six weeks and intend to stay another month it if were not for this garden we would be leaving now for another place as Concarneau is not the kind of a place that we like best. It is a town many times larger than Woodstock one could almost call it a city without the simplest modern improvements; of course this does not hold good in the hotels and summer homes of the wealthy. 

To my mind it is not the place for a landscape painter as the country is very monotonous being cut up into small fields with earth walls and high hedges around most of them; of course one can always find interesting bits to paint and one becomes friendly after awhile