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[[E 9-19-09]]

St Guenole
Thursday afternoon,

Dear Grace.
Just received your letter which made my spirits drop to zero for a moment, but now they have risen a little for some reason which I cannot account for and I feel more hopeful that you have "come around" alright. If not, then I have nothing to say for myself but that I'm a fool and will be your servant in what ever you wish. I will not think about or I'll get so blue that it wont be possible for me to write.

This morning I repainted the church that I scraped out two days ago, think I have improved it and am pleased thereat, as I feel it is a surmounting.

After dinner I went out with your sketch box and made a sketch, could not make another as there is a strong wind blowing from the north and it is getting colder every moment. I thank the gods the rain has stopped, for now their is some hope that my wet cloths which are ornimenting the windows and walls will dry.

Have a feeling that I may get rheumatism but hope not, this would not be a pleasant place to be tied too. I mean my room.

As yet no letter has come from my home. it is almost two weeks since they have written to me. Have you heard from them.

Asked Mageret if she had received the necklace, such small packages have a way of getting knowingly lost in the post offices. Hope she received it as it would make my very angry if it is lost. It was beautiful and I remember the interest you took in arranging the shells, there for alone I hope it is not lost.