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Wednesday night. [[10-? 09]]

My dear Grace.
This morning mail for us arrived with a vengeance at noon I received a letter from home and fifty dollars: there were some more letters for you also I have forwarded them all to you.

Had a postal from Wheelock and one from your aunt thanking me for the rose book.
Have been thinking of you very often today. I hope you arrived safely and that tomorrow morning I will hear from you. will be dissapointed if I do not.

Went in swiming this afternoon about three oclock it was fine in the water but I did not enjoy it very much; the reason was that I had not fully recoverd from an intestinal nightmare that I had last night. I had to make several pilgrimages during the night to the cabinet de long.

After my swim I made a sketch on the beach. I like it better than any I have made as yet of the same subject.

Feel rather tired tonight that is the reason I am not writing a longer letter. Will go to bed after I mail this.

Wish that you could send me a telegram the day that you expect to come back here.

Hoping to see you soon I am with love, as ever.
