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Transcription: [01:48:06]

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
-successors as they are by the person who originally makes them.

Let's see, do you want to discuss some web clients for the-

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein "}
Yes, I'd like to talk about, well perhaps, since we're doing this somewhat chronologically, should we talk about the editing of certain volumes of the handbook of the Middle American Indians first?

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Yes well, that was the discussions of doing a handbook of Middle American Indians began way, way back.

I guess in the 40s we first started talking about such a possibility and, as a matter of fact I tried to get money for such a purpose back in, I think about 1945, but it didn't work out.

And then later we, various of us in the working Middle America did get together and plan the writing of a handbook of Middle American Indians, something on the order of the handbook of South American Indians.

And I was active in the original planning of the handbook as a whole and the volume on contacts and peripheral areas.

But I did not continue, we had a general editor Robert [?], who was handling most of the details of the handbook and did not continue being very active later on.

I think the handbook is very valuable as a reference work. It probably will, of course will go out of date in regard to-