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Transcription: [00:43:46]
{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
...and the uh, generally rapid progress that was made in uh visualizing the uh major centers of New World development. I think, that Kirchhoff's paper on Mesoamerica, what was the date of that, do you recall?

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
The, uh- '43?

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Kirchoff's paper on Mesoamerica, if it was '43, we must check that. Was extremely important for the first time it brought together my area of Mexico into a single unit and - which is proven to be a very important way of looking at things in that part of the world.

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
It came a little before I believe the - it came a little or about the same time as the [[?]] Valley conference in Peru and which the, uh,

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
You mean the Chiquiàn conference?

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Yes, the Chiquiàn conference in which the uh, the uh, uh, the developmental sequence was postulated for Peru and the same kind of developmental process was pointed out by Armius for middle America.
