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Transcription: [00:50:13]
{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
The Yokes and palamas are related to the Balgain in one way or another. One of the, one of the indications of this, I think, is the fact that in the - something which came out at a much later date - but we might follow the idea of Balgain to a later period in the early 1960s, I guess was, that I looked at the stone yokes, or the stone collars of Puerto Rico and found that they too are undoubtedly of use in the Balgain and this re-enforces, it seems to me, the importance or the probably importance of the Malagain complex in Middle America - because if there's one thing it did, diffuse, I believe - must have diffused from Middle America in the direction of Puerto Rico, where the maps, the direction.


{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
This matter of the Balgane and its diffusion will probably be mentioned later in regard to my concern with the whole problem of diffusion. In the late 19, in the late 1940s, in the - I believe it was 1948 - I had a short field trip to Mexico and worked briefly at a place in Northern Vera Cruz at Tuxpan. This was published only to the extent of a brief review in the report of the roundtable conference having to do with the Waztecs and-