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Transcription: [01:00:34]
{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
--to be of some importance. For instance, the whole subject of the lotus motif in Maya art and in the art of Hindu Buddhists in India and Southeast Asia came out of such discussions.


In the event, we put on this exhibit and it, as one would expect at that time, it received varying responses from the anthropologists meeting at the Congress. Many of course, were aghast that this could be attempted. Many others were very much interested.


In any event, from there on, I had, from that time on, I had a tremendous interest in the subject. The first article I think that I published was a report at the Congress of Americanists by Dr. Haynie Guilherme and myself discussing some of the materials in this exhibit. This was published in the proceedings of the Congress.


A little bit later, I published an article in Natural History Magazine, which the editor gave a rather lurid title to: "Is American Indian Culture Asiatic?" This also included a number of the things which were shown in the exhibit.



From here on, there were various attempts to, or I made various attempts to, discuss the subject at other congresses, particularly, one in particular, being perhaps a lecture I gave at the--