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Transcription: [01:27:10]
{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
Training expeditions and so on. But archeologically you find relatively little evidence of this.
Or very little proof of it.
So that, this is part of my, or this indicates my general impression that archeology is, is a very poor reflection of actuality, as regards intra-communication between, between peoples.
Or still one other example of this might be perhaps suggested, if we had no archeological record of, or had we had no historical record of things happening in Europe, we would of course be completely foxed on the whole business of importation of oriental ideas into Europe - printing, gunpowder, and so on - would of course be seen to have archeologically, would eventually perhaps be seen to have evolved in Europe.
But there would be absolutely no indication of its, of its having come from far away China.
[[stop in tape and restart]]
What we've been speaking of, is, are examples of diffusionism in better known cultures. And from this I think one can easily establish a theoretical point of view in regard to the -