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Transcription: [00:11:20]

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
discover the origin of the higher cultures in the southwest. I mean, to work in the intervening area between central Mexico and the southwest to see if we couldn't develop ideas as to the relationships of the two regions.

It didn't work out quite that way. This is always an extremely complex problem, the relationships of two areas.

The same thing occurred a few years later, as I will mention shortly, in regard to the eastern coast of Mexico, where our idea there was to attempt studying the relationships between Mexico and the southeastern cultures of the United States.

There was a great interest in this at this time, a general interest, in this whole problem of relationships, and I must say that people were everywhere were looking for stepping stones from one region to the other.
That is, you find a, supposedly you were expected to find a sort of a series of sites in sort of a perfect diffusional pattern from one to the other.

We didn't find these and so of course we did not really solve the problem of relationships.

{SPEAKER name="Shirley Gorenstein"}
I don't know if it's appropriate to ask you now, maybe we'll get to it later, but where did that view come from? Did it come from the European diffusionist school, and why is it - why did it take hold now, or was it something, or did it have to the fact that you were not yet --

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}
I think it was more the Whistler age-area hypothesis, I mean the spread of things out. I don't think it was part of the