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Transcription: [00:43:52]

{SPEAKER name="Gordon Ekholm"}

...and things are the climate is are often an irregularly very bad with intensive fogs, and it might be very difficult to, for herding peoples to keep in con - proper contact with the shore to make this type of coasting voyage. However, it could have been done with practice, with, with increasing knowledge of, of land forms and coastal forms throughout this area. The third possibility, is of course, direct oceanic crossings. And in general, I'm inclined to think that perhaps the most important in this important diffusion problem.


The, the difficulties of open ocean traveling, perhaps have been generally over emphasized by people who discussed the Trans Pacific question. A few of us now a days have a proper appreciation, I think, for the capability of early sailors, their willingness to meet dangers which [unintelligible] wouldn't think of meeting. Their abilities to survive under poor conditions. Some of the early accounts we have of ocean sailing, of course, is evidence of this. The Vikings in their open boats, were able to travel long distances, and in inhospitable areas. Even the Columbus boats were relatively meager craft for open ocean crossings. One of the difficulties, of course, is to...
