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Transcription: [00:26:50]
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Forvak Suit

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Forvak Suit, that was the name of it, yeah.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Forvak suit. And they had a--


{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
It just that the word you use, it sounded like 'prewery' or something-

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Yeah 'prewery', well it was a 'prewery', well a beer brewery.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Oh, "brewery"

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Yeah, beer brewery.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
I didn't understand the word.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
And uh, you know we had a brewery underground, and that was

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
the ideal thing to prepare everything underground and then go out and for the testing only.

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
And uh, you know this was, at that time, already something which was done not under Peenemünde's business, but

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
you know this was,

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}


{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
prepared by the S.S. with their, uh, prisoners.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
And uh, there were people who had not the slightest idea what was going on who prepared that and

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
there were traps, regular traps, uh, built-in.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
And uh, we had the men there who was not of a special liking from his boss in Berlin.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
And one day Von Braun got a call that he should take that man out.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
And uh, Dr. Schilling--you made have heard the name of Dr. Schilling-

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
He was in charge of- of in the testing under Teil, Dr. Teil, um, was told 'Okay you go to Forvak Suit.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Schlier, Schlier is another name of it. And uh,

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Schlier? Spelled S-C-H

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}

{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Mmhmm, okay.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
Um, so we took that man out and another man came in. I had to stay there.

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
And that man was a special friend of that dark man in Berlin, and he was...

{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimberg"}
originally at Riga but then the Russians came closer and therefore his friend needed new chopper, and he put him in the chopper, he had not the slightest idea what was going on. And uh-

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