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Transcription: [00:24:22]
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
--so he wasn't too careless about about who he made these statements to?
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
He was still. He was still, he was restricted, he did not say that to everybody. He told that to people whom he had confidence that they would not misuse his words.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Mmm-hmm. Yeah, because that's very important, I mean. People have said that, but we have very little clear evidence,
for judging his intentions, what he wanted, you know, and and his relationship to the, to the Nazis, [[telephone ringing]] you know, we have to have this kind of information.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
To the pleasure I give you one example --
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
uh -- oh I don't have that [[background noise]]
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
You were just talking in conclusion about working with von Braun, and we all know that he had many brilliant aspects and talents, but.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Aspects and ideas.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
And I had once, confirmed, was confronted with a problem, and I was aware you could do it three different ways, but I was not clear in my mind which would be the best one, so I thought, why don't you ask von Braun?
So I told him, "I have a problem and maybe you can help me." He listened to me. Then he said, "Well, you make your own decision, and I tell you afterwards if it was right or wrong." [[laughter from both speakers]] Which was from his point of view absolutely right. "For that purpose I have you, why should I bother with such projects?" [[laughter]]
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
But that wasn't entirely pleasant for you.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
No, not at all. [[laughter]]
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
You were afraid you'd make the wrong decision from his standpoint.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Right. Right, right right.
You know, after the fact you always have it easy to judge. [[laughter]] But on the other hand, you know, von Braun was really clear, too, look, this is your problem, this is not my problem, I have my own problems, you solve your own problems. And he expressed that more than once very clearly.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
But he seemed to know what was going on in every single area.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Yes. He did.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
And you did not see that as interference?
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
What he did not like at all [[cross-talk]] was, "Well, resolve that problem in a committee." He did not like to hear that.
"You are responsible, not the committee, committee is never responsible, one man is responsible." And this is in my opinion a necessity, too,