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Transcription: [00:05:10]
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
..the files. The files were burned...
[[Cross Talk]]
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Of Mittel..
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
before the Americans came in.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Of Mittelwerk? or of Lehesten?
[[Cross Talk]]
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
No, that was not Lehesten, that was the name,
I do not recount the name right now, where our design people were placed.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
We the testing..
[[Cross Talk]]
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
At Bleicherode?
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Not Bleicherode, no.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
No not Bleicherode? Not Bleicherode.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Bleicherode that was, I'd say the headquarters. And the different groups were located different places.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Mmmm hmm.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Ok, it will come to my mind. Anyhow, I'll check that it was not more than five miles away from Lehesten, where they were located, where Riedel was located with his group.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
And he could prove to me that he had burned the files. So I do not now how that was, uh, who made the mistake to say, they didn't burn the files.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Umhuh. There are a lot of questions I have about those details, but first let me backtrack.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
You stayed in, you stayed in Lehesten from December through to the beginning of April, approximately? Is that when you evacuated to Bavaria?
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
About, yes.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
So in that time, you, you only worked on paper studies?
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
When did the Russians come into Lehesten, do you know that?
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Oh, that wasn't until June or July, July probably.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
July. OK, I know it was summer time.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
When we were then evacuated by the Americans.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Yeah But I mean I'm talking about before the war is over.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Yeah, right, right.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Before the war is over, you worked in Lehesten for a few months.
[[Cross Talk]]
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
For a few months.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
But you only stayed working on drawing board studies basically.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
Right, Only only studies.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
And the Lehesten engine testing went on until March?
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
That went on independent from us. Until the Americans came.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
So that went on, I know that Mittelwerke shut down March 18 or something like that.
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
That was probably around the same time.
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
Yeah, and then and then the Americans didn't come for a while,
{SPEAKER name="Karl Heimburg"}
{SPEAKER name="Michael Neufeld"}
And nothing, and uh...